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Like it or not, Obamacare Just Around the Corner

Although the policies won’t take effect until January 1st, open enrollment on the Individual and Group Exchanges (commonly referred to as the Marketplace) under the Affordable Care Act begins on October 1st.  Many people who already have health insurance through their jobs or on the individual market will likely opt to keep their existing plans as long as possible (through 2014) due to the expected price increases on the new plans, but those who haven’t carried health insurance, or those who have it but are still curious, can check out the marketplace starting October 1st to see if they qualify for government assistance and cost savings on a new plan. 

I am certified to help customers with the marketplace, so if anyone is interested in checking it out or has questions, don’t hesitate to call or email me.

Here is a link to a resource kit to help you better understand the Affordable Care Act:

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